I can't believe I never reviewed this! I had thought I reviewed all of your songs. Well anyway, I'm here now, so let's do this! For your first published song, this is actually pretty good; however, it does have its flaws. I feel like this song suffered a little because it felt a little like it was a bunch of different things fighting to be the primary melody. It just overall felt very messy and unorganized. Most things didn't feel like they played into each other and that it was a competition. I might be a little too harsh because I'm grading this to your today's standards and this was made a year and two months ago. To give credit where credit is due, the transition at 1:59 was a great transition. It felt smooth and effortless and overall worked really well. Overall, this is not a bad song in any way. I actually quite enjoy listening to it, but I feel that it can really easily be outshined by your later work and overall be forgotten.