Plot twist they're actually carnivorous :P
Lovely art
Plot twist they're actually carnivorous :P
Lovely art
Who knows, thank you very much
That's lovely
Thank you!
This brings back a childish glee which I haven't felt in a long time. Thank you
Thank you! I'm happy that it made you feel that way.
That's awesome. Great job, pal
Thanks man, quite fun crossovers to do for sure : )
It's very brave taking up an oc challenge. The 8 you've done have actually been great. Good job. Also, your story ideas thread has been looking rather empty :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
get out of my head, mind goblin
Very nice
Response: >:)
you cant fool me. i know what ur up to
Oh my, this is amazing. I definitely get what you mean. The face is symmetrical and natural looking. Also, looking at the difference between the two drawings, you've improved a lot! the only thing I feel that would make this piece even better would be to add a background of the outside of a palace or something. Something to give it that little extra. I do see in your newer illustrations, you're drawing beautiful backgrounds so I guess saying it now doesn't really matter.
One more thing! I noticed this right before I sent this through. The fingers seem a little stubby. I think this is because they seem to be the same size. Maybe give them different lengths to make them seem less stubby and more realistic. This is more for the top hand. The bottom one is fine.
Thank you!!!
Honestly idk what happend here haha
As you see my art is sometimes good sometimes just ok, at least when it comes to proportions and all.
It's pretty much luck based if I can get it right
at least that's how I feel
Maybe that's because I feel kinda burned out rn..either way I'm happy that you like this drawing
Hey, I read your message and don't worry. I'm more than happy to look over older drawings.
In this illustration, your facial proportions are much better. Although, you still have the problem with the eye being slightly too far. This case is not as bad as the previous one. The angle is a little confusing so I don't know how to give accurate feedback on the facial proportions. Just look at it carefully and look at any part which looks natural or janky. Then figure out exactly what the problem is and fix it that way :).
The best way to improve is to keep making art and to have (If possible) someone to help support you and give you feedback. Having constructive criticism from someone is the best way to improve. Unfortunately, my forte is music and certainly not drawing so I don't know how much I can help. The most I can do is point out general things like lighting & shading, facial proportions etc.
I would recommend you draw your faces with a reference with the same pose. That will help with looking for natural.
Thank you so much for going over this.
Yeah faces are like my enemy
I know you can like flip the canvas to see if it looks wonky but I was always too lazy to do it. (My laziness is probably the reason why I'm slow in learning how to draw)
I wish I had someone good to give me critique- if I get it form people that are close to me it's sadly very mean. But your critique isn't so that's nice
Hey, this is really neat. The background looks amazing and I can see you put a lot of effort into it.
Your art has lots of potential, but I think a thing you really have to think about is your proportions. The eyes could be shifted around the nose and mouth. Perhaps bringing the nose and mouth more to the right could help make the face look more symmetrical in its proportions. I know it's difficult with the position you chose, but I feel like your art can flourish so much more if you just get the facial proportions down. You could even take the eye on the right of the illustration and bring it close to the nose and mouth. Just to make the two eyes look equal distance from the eye, even though you've got an angle.
Another thing is the hands. They don't look right. I know it's a common joke around artists that the hands are the demons of drawing, but it's a really important thing to get down. Once you get your hands down, it opens up so many positions you can put them in. I do applaud you for not simply hiding them.
I would recommend focusing on your proportions first before worrying too much about drawing a lot of detail. Proportions are really important and is what could make or break a drawing.
Apologies if it sounds like I'm just flaming your drawing. I'm not trying to. I feel that you can go far with your drawing so that is why I am trying to give you pointers on where you could improve. I hope this helps!
thanks for this thoughtful comment.
I usually use the 3d models from clip studio for my drawings- but here I drew it on my own again. So could you look at an older drawing and tell me if the proportion are off there too? I hope that's not too much to ask but if that's the case I need to learn more about how to use theese models
Hey, this is awesome man. I really love the colour scheme and the design of it. I don't really know if I have any feedback to say about it. I feel like you achieved what you set out to do. Maybe a little more detail? But that all comes down to practice so idk. Anyway, thank you for participating in the challenge! I hope to see you next month :)
Yeah, I definitely would've added some more details to these beings if I'd known what I was doing, haha.
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. . . . . . 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓆏𓍊𓋼𓍊 . . . . .
Age 19
School of Rock
New Zealand
Joined on 1/2/21