Got a new knight helmet now!
Special thanks to @Sirbeartoad for the profile picture.

Henry Leroux @Tangerine

Age 18

School of Rock

New Zealand

Joined on 1/2/21

Exp Points:
3,024 / 3,210
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.90 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
8m 1d

An actually important announcement!!!

Posted by Tangerine - June 9th, 2024

Hello everyone! There are just a few major things I wanted to talk about :).

My friend has joined Newgrounds! I really want him to get into it, so I would really appreciate it if you all go and show him some love. He's a fantastic artist who's improving rapidly. You can find him under Sirbeartoad.

Here's some of his art:



Snow and Lights:


Moon Knight:


Edge of Town:



Another thing I wanted to talk about is all the support you guys have been showing me. Especially in the past month or so. Thank you so much! My end goal of reaching 420 followers is closer now than ever, and I never even thought I would actually reach 300. <333

Thank you all so much! But someone who I don't want to thank is distrokid. The bastards uploaded my songs to the wrong Tangerine on Spotify. I know it wasn't my fault because I checked the "use newly created" option for every upload. Apparently, for Distrokid, this is a common problem since they have a whole feature built into the website for you to resolve it. So annoying. Anyway, so yeah, you guys can find me on Spotify now, under some random person's account xD.

At the moment, I'm working on two pretty interesting things. Playing around with creepy circus music and 8D audio (gonna be wild) as well as a nearly completed remake of Farewell :)). So that's pretty exciting!

That is all, thank you!




is that your friend?

yep, known him since 2015

Wow, your friend has a future, can you give me his newgrounds?, so I can follow him :)

Sure thing, you can find him under the name Sirbeartoad. Or by clicking any of the orange words on this post :)

That's why I use a large name: it's harder to copy.

Yeah honestly, you were smart xd. I'll always have to fight for my username. Should have gone with the "slap 3 different things together" username approach. Like JackSepticEye, PewDiePie or even SirBearToad.

But at the same time, I don't think I could ever go under another name other than Tangerine. I've had it for so long that it's become a part of me in a way. sorta like grey knight as my pfp. also, my friends would freak out xd

wow, your friend is really talented! :]

ikr! He once drew this really good grey knight for my pfp. I'm just waiting for when he eventually uploads it xd

Wow, you got past my amount of fans quick! Amazing job!

Now you gotta pick up the pace! :)

@Tangerine I’m trying man just give me time X(

Just watch. you're gonna make a song for a game or win a competition and you're gonna go sky high :)

@Tangerine turn into @waterflame moment (skull)

so you discovered my gaming account, lol well i'm gonna follow you on this one too

I am omnipresent. Nobody can hide from me C:|>

Perfect art be like:

ikr xD


hello :)

nice art

I appreciate you supporting him <|:)

You and your friend make good drawings :)

Thank you! Only half of that is true though... I am the best artist xD

OK that is kinda cool

But that is not such an importrant annoucement...

It's the most important!

@Tangerine well... ... I meant that is not a big one!

true, especially with my 5k words 69 followers celebratory speech looming below xD

Holy heck!!! Gorgeous art!

I followed him :)

Thank you :)

W art

Btw hey Tangerine, I have uploaded 4 new tracks, go listen them plz!

Great to see you success. Continue !

Thank you :)

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